Wednesday 27 February 2013

End of the Caliphate

End of the Caliphate

Tugas utama selanjutnya Perang Dunia I ialah meruntuhkan Empayar Bani Uthmaniah dalam usaha membebaskan Palestin daripada cengkamannya, yang membawa kepada pembentukan negara zionis Israel. Selepas Perdana Menteri Englad, Lord Asquish dibuang pada tahun 1916 berpunca tindakannya menentang kepentingan zionis. David Lloyd George sebagai peguam bagi Pertubuhan Yahudi Dunia bersama Winston Churchill dan Arthur Balfour daripada sidang meja bulat dilantik menggantikannya.

Hadir buat pertama kali mesyuarat rasmi Jawatankuasa Politik ialah Lord Rothschild, James de Rothschild, anak Edmund de Rothschild Paris, iaitu bekas pemilik koloni Rothschild di Palestin, dan Sir Mark Sykes. Di sana, mandat tentang masa depan Palestin, Armenia, Mesopotamia dan semenanjung Arab yg masih sebahagian daripada Empayar Uthman turut dibincangkan secara mendalam.

Wilayah penguasaan Al-Saud yang diperluaskan

Illuminati juga turut berusaha melemahkan Empayar Uthmaniah dari dalam. Afghani turut terlibat dalam pembentukan parti politik Masonic yang mengambil contoh Carbori bersempena Jawatankuasa Persatuan dan Kemajuan, atau Turki Muda. Daripada pertengahan kurun ke-19 British telah berusaha meningkatkan kerjasama di antara beberapa pertubuhan sufi di Turki seperti Beqtashi dan Naqshabandi, dan Scottish Rite Freemasons of Afghan serta pengikutnya. Gabungan inilah yang ditaja British bagi membentuk kumpulan Turki Muda.


The Young Turks, composed mostly of Dönmeh, members of the community of secret Jews descended from the followers of false-messiah Shabbetai Zevi who feigned conversion to Islam, led a revolutionary movement against the crumbling regime of the Ottoman sultan, Abdul Hamid II, which culminated in the establishment of a constitutional government in 1908, and ruled the Ottoman Empire until the end of World War I, in November 1918.

To further aggravate the situation against the Ottomans, Britain had deceptively employed the assistance of Sharif Hussayn of Mecca. Sharif Hussayn was initially allied with the Ottomans and Germans, but was dismayed by the increasing discrimination against non-Turks of the Ottoman Empire by the Young Turks. He was finally convinced by the British that his assistance would be rewarded instead by the creation of an Arab empire, encompassing the entire span between Egypt and Persia, with the exception of imperial possessions and interests in Kuwait, Aden, and the Syrian coast.

However, in accordance with the cunning duplicity which has always characterised their foreign policy, the British offered him assurances in contradiction to the designs they had in mind.

The British also renewed their special relationship with the Wahhabi sect and its leader, Abdul Aziz ibn Saud. Following the collapse of the first Saudi insurgency at the hand of Mohammed Ali Pasha, the Wahhabi movement was largely reconstituted, but internal disputes over succession had brought about its demise in 1891. Ibn Saud’s father, Abdul-Rahman, fled with his family to Kuwait, leaving Riyadh under the occupation of the Ottomans. In January 1902, Ibn Saud led a raid to regain control of Riyadh.

The British sought the support of Ibn Saud through the diplomatic aid of “Abdullah” St. John Philby, who supposedly converted to Wahhabi Islam, though he also doubled as a Nazi intelligence agent. In 1915, the British had signed with Ibn Saud a “treatise of friendship and cooperation” to be supported with British financing. By 1917, Ibn Saud was receiving five thousand pounds a month.

Through the instigation of Lawrence of Arabia, Hussayn’s son Faisal led the Arab Revolt against the Ottomans. Faisal seized Damascus in 1918. Five days after the conquest of Damascus by Faisal’s forces, an armistice with the Ottoman Empire came into effect. The Ottoman government effectively collapsed, and the empire was divided amongst the victorious powers. France and Britain got control of most of the Middle East while Italy and Greece were given much of Anatolia.

The Turkish people refused to accept this arrangement, however, and under Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the remnants of the Young Turk movement formed a government in Ankara and created an army that forced the Greeks and Italians out of Anatolia, while the British and French refused to intervene. In Salonika, Greece, the heartland of Turkish Freemasonry and the Young Turk movement, many Jews claimed that Ataturk was a Dönmeh.

And in 1923, when the Republic of Turkey was founded, it was Ataturk who was elected the republic’s first president. Then, in 1924, the Islamic Caliphate was formally abolished, bringing to an end thirteen centuries of consolidated Islamic rule.

The victory of the Allied forces against the Ottoman Turks marked the beginning of the end of WWI, and the central powers one by one surrendered, signing an armistice on November 11, 1918. At the end of the war, Faisal continued his advance, and eventually took what is today Jordan, large parts of the Arabian peninsula and parts of southern Syria. However, unbeknownst to him, the British had secretly negotiated the Sykes-Picot agreement, to divide up the Middle East according to terms drawn up by the Rothschild parties. Arbitrary divisions were created, which largely exist to the present, including the creation of Syria, and Lebanon as French “protectorates”. Hussayn was betrayed, and granted rule only over Iraq, which, along with Trans-Jordan, and Kuwait, were effectively British entities, as was Palestine, which was accorded to the Zionists.

The mandate for Palestine was drafted by Felix Frankfurter, the prominent American Zionist, who afterwards became Chief Advisor in the White House to President Roosevelt and also United States Supreme Court Justice, and helped found the ACLU. Frankfurter is reported to have received a copy of Jacob Frank’s daughter’s portrait from his mother, a descendent of the Prague Frankist family. And according to Frankfurter, “The real rulers in Washington are invisible and exercise their power from behind the scenes."

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