Thursday 10 February 2011

Mubarak meets with VP, protesters flood square

CAIRO – State TV says President Hosni Mubarak is meeting with his vice president at his palace. Thousands more protesters are lining up to enter a packed Tahrir Square in expectation Mubarak will announce he's stepping down.

THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. Check back soon for further information. AP's earlier story is below.
Berhimpun sebaik kedengaran ura-ura...

CAIRO (AP) — Egypt's military announced on national television that it stepped in to "safeguard the country" and assured protesters that President Hosni Mubarak will meet their demands in the strongest indication yet that the longtime leader has lost power. In Washington, the CIA chief said there was a "strong likelihood" Mubarak will step down Thursday.

State TV said Mubarak will speak to the nation Thursday night from his palace in Cairo.

The military's dramatic announcement showed that the military was taking control after 17 days of protests demanding Mubarak's immediate ouster spiraled out of control.

Footage on state TV showed Defense Minster Field Marshal Hussein Tantawi chairing the military's supreme council, with around two dozen top stern-faced army officers, seated around a table. Not at the meeting were Mubarak, the military commander in chief, or his vice president Omar Suleiman, a former army general and intelligence chief named to his post after the protests erupted Jan. 25.

Masing-masing bersorak-sorai...

That could be a sign that Suleiman, as well, was being pushed out of power.

"All your demands will be met today," Gen. Hassan al-Roueini, military commander for the Cairo area, told thousands of protesters in central Tahrir Square. The protesters lifted al-Roueini onto their shoulders and carried him around the square, shouting, "the army, the people one hand." Some in the crowd held up their hands in V-for-victory signs, shouting "the people want the end of the regime" and "Allahu akbar," or "God is great," a victory cry used by secular and religious people alike.

25 Januari... bermulanya protes

Tembakan air kimia pun tak dihiraukan...

Nyata berani... dengan 4 orang polis

Dia keluar... dihadapinya dengan lebih ramai lagi

Nah... ambik kau! Iyeahh...
Mana yang tinggal... siap! Siut ler.
Majlis Bandaran pun dibakar... lambat proses borang rumah
Hosni Mubarak perlu menyatakan pendiriannya malam ini (waktu tempatan - Mesir) apabila perhimpunan yang lebih ramai bakal diadakan selepas solat Jumaat esok di serata tempat; paling utama di Tahrir Square, Kaherah.
Allahu-akbar 3x

7.20 pagi: Benarlah seperti kata Allah swt akan jenis manusia celaka - raut wajah pun dah seiras dengan Mustapha Kemal Attarturk, Turki dengan kebusukannya. Lindungailah mereka yang bangkit itu... amiin, ya Rabbal-'alamiin.

Distant Neighbors (What's Egypt to Israel?)

Before and after their peace treaty, a relationship marked by tensions

1948: In Israel's independence war, Egypt's push to Tel Aviv and Jerusalem is repelled by Israeli soldiers.

1967: Israel captures the Gaza Strip and the Sinai Peninsula from Egypt in the Six Day War.

1973: Egypt and Syria launch a surprise attack on Israel on the Jewish holy day of Yom Kippur.

1978: Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin and U.S. President Jimmy Carter sign Camp David Accords, paving way for 1979 treaty that ends state of war dating to 1948.

1982: Israel completes return of Sinai to Egypt under peace accords.

1994: Egypt helps Israel and the Palestinians agree on Palestinian autonomy in Gaza, Jericho.

2000: Egypt recalls ambassador from Israel to protest escalating clashes between Israel and the Palestinians.

2005: Israel withdraws from the Gaza Strip. Egypt agrees to supply natural gas to Israel.

2006: Hamas militants win elections in Gaza. Egypt and Israel impose border restrictions on the Palestinian territory.

2009: Egypt begins building a wall on its border to curb weapons that Hamas militants were smuggling to Gaza to attack Israel
** Omar Suleiman, Timbalan Presiden Mesir (seorang general tentera (inteligence) yang berperanan dalam Perjanjian Camp David, 1978) sekarang mempunyai hubungan telefon yang tetap pada setiap hari untuk menerima arahan daripada Ehud Barak, Menteri Pertahanan Israel.

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